
If I had the Reserection Stone...

If I had the Resurrection Stone.. If were to ever happen upon the Resurrection Stone, here are 7 people that I would bring back and why.

  1. Lily and James Potter - They didn't deserve to die and I would love to learn more about them.
  2. Dumbledore- I'm iffy on this one. One one hand, he needs to be around. But on the other, he would die sooner than anyone else I would bring back, he's old!
  3. Sirius Black- Okay, if I can't have the Potters, I atlest want Sirius for Harry.
  4. Lupin and Tonks- I don't want little Teddy to have to grow up without his parents.
  5. Luna's Mom- It would have been cool to see if Luna got any traits from her.
  6. Belatrix LeStrange. Ah yes. The woman we all love to hate. For some reason, I feel sad that she died. I have no clue why.
  7. Hedwig- I know, I know, He's not a person but he and Harry are BFF's,they need to be together forever!

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