
Harry Potter Video Awards!

So I decided that over the next few blog posts, I would be doing a Harry Potter video awards.

Choices will be made by overall feel, editing, music choice, video views, thumbs up vs. thumbs down and overall effect.

  1. Best Tearjerker
  2. Lolers
  3. Best Couples
  4. Cannon Couples
  5. Best quote in a video
  6. Best music choice
  7. Best Editing
  8. Best Character video
  9. Best group video
  10. Best House videos
  11. Moments that made the movies.
  12. Best wizard rock videos
  13. Not another Harry Potter trailer


They will be posted in the next blog post all at once if I can manage it J . All video creators will be notified that their videos will be included.



Mischief is never managed, at least in the Pottermore World.

So, I admit. I got into Pottermore a long time ago. And I'm just now getting around to writing this. I'm sorry. I'm only human.


If you want to discover all the magic yourself, leave now. If you can't wait for find out everything and don't care how you figure out, read on fellow Potterheads.

First impressions

First off… I almost deleted the welcome email. My cousin slaved over the computer for hours for days to get the emails for us. I didn't even get in on my own accord. But hey, I got in. (Not that I don't appreciate what she did, all I'm saying is, I would have taken the easy way out and just waited till it opened to the public)

    So anyways, I cried when I got the email. It was almost like a real Hogwarts acceptance letter. It was wonderful. I quickly confirmed that I was a real person and waited again until I was told I could enter the site officially. I raced through the chapters, picking up little things along the way, and shopping at Diagon Alley to be given a wand… Here's the breakdown and meaning of mine:

Redwood (rare)

Phoenix feather core (also rare)

14 ½ inches


And you finally, FINALLY get sorted.


You answer a series of questions to determine your house. No random picking here, thankfully. I was hoping for my houses, Gryffindor or Hufflepuff (what the h377 is a hufflepuff? For those of you who followed the advice of my last post). I was sorted into Hufflepuff.

You get a letter from your head of house telling you about your house, background and various other things. Then, you are free to search the other chapters.

Throughout the chapters, you can do various activities such as creating potions and searching the scenes for extras on characters, items and chapters.

All in all, this is the next best feeling to reading a brand new Harry Potter book, watching a midnight premier of drinking a warm, frothy batch of Butterbeer- it makes you feel warm and whole inside.

The breakdown:


  1. Learning new and exciting extras about the Harry Potter world.
  2. Getting your very own, personal wand
  3. Being sorted by J.K. Rowling herself
  4. Connecting with Potterheads across the world.


  1. A lot of people have complained that there is no back ground noise… Solution: play the soundtrack on itunes or YouTube
  2. There are not a lot of things to do in most chapters/scenes
  3. There are a few glitches
  4. Some things are unclear as to how to do them/ how they work

Final thought:

All in all, Pottermore is just what us depressed Potterheads need- another Potter outlet. I understand that the glitches will be smoothed out and that everything will be wonderful for the grand opening in 2012.